Monday, 29 March 2010

Unit 2 Animations

The Seed.

I like the seed because of the mixture of animation techniques and the cut out animation mixed with hand drawn the effect works really well. The story is cute and simple, the way of life.

Eve Duhamel

I really like her trees, they are usual and fun. I like the way that she has created them as they look complex are really quiet simple.

Lenka the Show

Deadline-post it stop motion

I just love the way this was made and because I now know how long it take to do something like that, so this animation has had almost a negative effect on me because now I most definitely want to work on the computers.
Western Spaghetti

It is fun. I like the mixture of things he puts in his spaghetti, like the dice and wool, it just shows how free and creative you can be with animaiton showing you that anything is possible.

Folk Routes.

This one of my favorites I love the way the boat moves in the sea. This is the animation I have mainly based mine around as it is paper cut out.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Unit 3 Copyright

To get Copyright permission I had to email the music artist used in my animation.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Unit 3 Evaluation.


I am very pleased to have final finished my animation it felt as though it would never end at one point. Personally I thought the whole process worked well but I really like the way the waves ended up and pretty much everything else, I was very annoyed that one of artists did not let my use there sing in competitions. Though out the whole process I have learned how to use a mac computer as well as the software. I have learned so much during the process, to much to write about but the skill I know have on using After effect skills are better than my teachers . During the process I have used traditional materials to create my props and then I have animated them in Final Cut, After Effects and Anime Studios. My ideas developed once I learned how to use the programs such as After effects because I learned that you could add lighting and different camera angles which improved the over all animation.

I used the paper cut out animation technique for my animation but I animated it on the computer using after effects because I thought it be quicker and easier than to do it by hand.

My final work portrays the original storyboard very well as not much has changes, but what has is very similar to the original ideas. I have not deviate from the original storyboard because I liked it and it worked well. I got the ideas for my animation form listening to a song called 'typical time' by the view and doodling in my chemistry book.

The hardest part of creating my animation was the steep learning curve for after effects and when I had computer troubles and had to sett up all the programs again on a different computer. the easiest part was the fact that my main backgrounds that I used through out were made by chance.

To ensure that I have follow safe and professional practices i have done a risk assessments form and I have found out that I can use 10% of my artist song for education purposes, but I have also emailed these artist so that if i enter competition it would all be ok.

Unit 3 Tell it to the Marines

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Unit 2 How Has Your Development Work Influenced Your Work?

My developement work inflenced my final work throught little things like seeing an image and whating to recreating it. During our work on Lizardo I created some backgrounds using ink these inflenced my skys and seas.

I desided to base my fish on this picture that I found in a magazine.

Also the transferable skills I learnt in ICT about how to use a Mac really helped me when it came to using programs like Photoshop as well as my time management skills. The techniques I learnt in art also helped when it came to creating my props.

Folk Routes.

This one of my favorite animations I love the way the boat moves in the sea. This is the animation I have mainly based mine around as it is paper cut out.

Eve Duhamel

I really like her trees, they are usual and fun, and I made mine in a similar style.

I was also influenced by looking through illustration books I really the following pictures

Throughout the project I have received ongoing feedback from my teacher and colleagues has help to stay on track though out my project. As I went along I received feedback on my waves about which worked the best. I think the way I have received has help my over all animation so that I did no have to redo as much of my work as it was an ongoing process.

This development process has influenced my final film by changing the way the figures look but the story line is the same as is the over all idea. With my project I had a blast of ideas at the start and I was then satisfied with this so not much changed.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Unit 2 Storyboard Development

My storyboard

My story was based on the song "Typical Time" which made me think of a sea tale, so i expanded on this theme. the characters and their story developed each time i drew them, they started off as stick figure then progressed to have fisherman macs but they kept the concept of being simplistic.

My Ideas for the environment changed from simple drawn waves to more creative ones in different mixed media and background made from ink and water splashed around.